Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rainy day, Busy week

I love this time of year but I do not like the weather! I am soaked to the core my shoes are soaked and my clothes are soaked! Its suppossed to rain all day! I am so looking foward to the weekend though. Halloween is Saturday and my kids are so excited. The leaves are changing to these beautiful colors, like red, orange, and yellow. It is definately the holiday season. We carved a pumpkin and set it out in the yard. It looks really cute and sweet. I aligned it with three little pumpkins at the bottom which, Friday night I am going to let my children draw on. I have so much to do and preapare for. I have a festival party to plan for my kindergarteners class on Friday.I am going to back cupcakes and make candy bags. So I have a busy week ahead!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Had a pretty decent week

Well, I can honestly say I have had a pretty decent week! I am just hoping it continues out that way! Anyways, I got all my bills paid. Paid up my house taxes which are horrifying this year! I am so excited about the holidays coming up! Can't wait for Christmas, I have began purchasing a few things here and there!I think I am finally catching on in math. Got my drawers cleaned out in my kitchen and I am finally doing my fall reorganizing.So this time of year is a big change for just like the leaves turn on the trees and the days grow shorter and colder. Everything slows down and warmth feels the air. I love the colors all around. My church celebrates a lot of different events for the kids that are free.I just have enjoyed this week being that this feels like a new beginning to a new yaer ahead and I am excited to see where I am at a year from now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

contrast paper

Cassandra Hayes
Mrs. S. Aiken
English 1101
Comparison and Contrast
October 22, 2009

Different Strokes for Different Folk

I live in a fairly old, middle-class suburban neighborhood in south Bibb County. You know the kind of neighborhood where all the houses look alike. Every yard is super green and neatly cut, all in a line with the prettiest flowers and lovely shrubbery. We all make about the same income and have about the same beliefs in religion. All of our kids attend the same schools and dress in the same kind of clothing. We are so very diverse in so many ways, but mainly by our outlook on our children. Looks can be deceiving. Some of my neighbors, when it comes to their views on raising children, are so dysfunctional.

I am a very conservative mother I guess you could say. I am like clockwork, very routine and organized. I have a time set aside for every one of our daily events. We wake up at seven o’clock a.m. and we are in bed by nine o’clock p.m. This is my daily routine everyday. I believe children need order and structure. They feel secure and in control when they know what lies ahead and what to expect.

I am the mother of the neighborhood who is in charge of getting everybody to school. They used to fight over who sits in the front seat and now it rotates. I walk all of them, including the neighborhood kids, into their classrooms. They beg me to come in. It gives me such a great feeling to do that for them because they know I love them and it makes their day.
I pick them all up in the afternoon as well. I drop them off at home and head to my house to finish up our daily routine. We come in the house they set their shoes in the shoe caddy. Then they immediately sit down at the table with a snack and start their homework. When they are done, we eat supper and then its free time to play or watch television. At seven o’clock I round up the herd and they take a bath and get ready to go to sleep.

I have a routine for their clothes at night. They are laid neatly beside their beds, with matching shoes and socks. I like to be prepared, no looking for anything in the morning. Something out of place creates chaos and wasted time. I like the fact then when my children are getting ready in the morning, I am in a good mood and smiling. They know what to do and what to expect.

My dysfunctional neighbors really bug me. I pull up outside their homes and wait for their children to finish getting ready to go to school. It never fails that the child is busy,which makes us late, playing detective in the case of the missing shoes. It just aggravates the crap out of me; how tired these kids are when they get in my car. I ask “Why are you so tired?” with a reply of “Well, I couldn't fall asleep till late, because I was watching television.” Before my head hits my pillow my kids are asleep. I don’t care what program they are watching, their bedtime is nine o’clock.

It trips me out, how I offer to take their kids to school and they are off from work at home not doing anything. I feel like they are not involved with their children like they should be. I don’t always feel like getting up and going into that school either but I do because I want to support my children during their education. I bet all of teachers know my name and have probably never even seen their parents.

When we return home from school, every child in the neighborhood shows up. It amazes me we have been home for five minutes, there is no absolute way that they have had time to do their homework. They are probably not even acknowledged when they walk in the door. It makes me feel sorry for them. They don’t get the daily snack that I provide my kids as we sit and do homework.

I cook every night and half the time the other kids in the neighborhood are eating out. It puzzles me, that when they come to spend the night at my house, they will not eat healthy food. They don’t like vegetables at all. My kids fight over broccoli. That has got to be because of pure out laziness on their parents’ behalf. I am a full time student and on top of it I am the only single mom in my neighborhood. There is just flat out no excuse for these children having such a poor diet.

I barely ever spank my kids. These dysfunction junction idiots do it all the time, like they don’t know exactly how to communicate or something. You can hear their redneck voices screaming down the road for their child. If my child is at their house playing I call on the phone to speak to them and tell her to come home. I don’t drink in front of my kids. It never fails my children will come back and tell me what the parents at the neighbors’ house were doing. I don’t mind people drinking, I do it on occasion but at three o’clock in the afternoon, I think that’s a little inappropriate.

Bedtime is not existent to my neighbors. They think you can go to bed at four o’clock in the morning and function all day. Then they wonder why their child is failing classes at school. Their children will knock on the door to play all the way up to almost eight o’clock. We are in the bathtub getting ready to lie down to rest our minds so that we can perform well the next day. I bet their parents just stuff them full of hamburgers and sent them out the door to get them out of their hair. I feel so sorry for these children.

I am not the perfect parent. I know I have made mistakes. God knows, I try to teach my kids how to be productive in every aspect of life. I may not have a life of my own, but I know I will be rewarded by the success of my children one day. I do not mean to sound judgmental but there is really no excuse in the way these people treat their children. I guess it’s true that there are different strokes for different folks. I have to respect their life style choices but they make no absolute sense to me at all. Even though, when you ride through my neighborhood we all may appear to be the same kind of people. We are all so totally different ;one way to tell is by the way we raise our children.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am so proud of myself I made an eighty- eight on my math test! I have never made a B in math; so thats quite an accomplishment for me. I am a little nervous about the next few chapters though. We are getting into the graphs and ratios, which is something I have never seen before. I am hoping I will be prepared for the next test, which is in two weeks. So I know I am going to have to study very hard and practice. Over all I am feling good about this math anxiety I have.I only have one more math class after these two are done then I am on my way to getting my degree! YAY!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Had a great weekend!

I don't know what happened to me. I used to be able to ride all the fair rides, that would throw you all about. We went to the fair this weekend. I couldn't ride anything, but I ate like a fat hog. They should have put me in the dairy arena as an exhibit! My oldest child,Drennen, wanted to ride all the scary rides. I fussed at her for her bravery and only allowed her to ride one! I was standing at the bottom of the ride as it tossed her little slender body about. I had a panic attack which then made the man running the ride decide to make it faster! I was about to cry and he looked at me and said" Mam, you are crying more than she is!". I wanted to just reached up there and press the stop button. I remember being her age and being fearless until i got on the ride and it was going. That feeling of being absolutely powerless as it lifted me up off the ground. No turning back now, I now had to manage to keep my eyes closed for the next three minutes and try not to throw up on the spectators laughing at the fools on death row. I understand she wants to try something new and thrilling but, does she have to give me a heart attack in the process! We really did have a great time though. My youngest daughter won a fish and it died the next day. We all gathered around the porcelain coffin and said our goodbyes as he swirled down the sewer lines. Poor thing!!!She was verysad too. Although , I reminded her how much fun she had winning him.We got home around twelve o'clock and I was beat. I didn't even get up till one o'clock the next day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The example essay

As far as I am concerned, this was a fairly easy paper to write. I enjoyed expressing my beliefs about my thesis, in my own words. It took a little time for my to really sit down and brain storm, what I was really trying to say. I just factored it out and from there I wrote my essay. I can't wait to get started on my next essay. I heard that one will be the hardest one to write. Well, I guess I will find out soon enough!

The V.C.R. was hungry

My middle child says some of the strangest things! She is absolutely hilarious. I was finishing up a few things on the computer last night when she comes into the living room and tells me that the V.C.R, messed up one of her favorite movies. I took the tape from her hand. She looks at me pitifully and asks"What happened to it momma?". I laughed and said"Well, the V.C.R. ate it?". She looks at me puzzled and then asked me "WOW! Is it hungry?". I about died laughing. She was being so serious, bless her heart. In her little mind, she really imagined the V.C.R. was hungry and literally ate her tape. I got a great laugh out of that one.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

my frineds have no faith in me

I need to find some new friends. I have recently,decided it was time to quit smoking. My friends have no faith in me!I told them about wanting to acheive this high goal and they laughed at me. I am just so aggrevated with their mindless gestures. I mean seriously they call me at four o'clock in the morning telling me all their problems. They always tell me about how they need to find a new man, but stay with the jerks they're with! I never give them any heed about what they do.I am just tell them I support whatever decision they make. I have no right to tell anyone how to do anything. They always have the answers to all my porblems. I love them dearly but, its time to move on. lol I am joking, i am blessed to have each and every singe one of my aggrevating, alcoholic friends and wouldn't take anything in this world for them. they just have no faith in me whatsoever. I would be proud if they decided to quit partying. I did along time ago. So if I can do that, so can they. I believe they can wouldn't laugh at them.UGHHH!Oh well I am trying to quit I might get fat, but I am going to quit. lol Tommorrow!!!